Hacking into Scammers Portal

Shashwat Kumar
3 min readApr 14, 2021


Last night one of my friend Shivanshu , shared a link in our Whatsapp group which was a phishing link he received from a girl on his Instagram. πŸ˜‚

The attackers was using these phishing pages for hacking into FB/Insta/Twitter/Steam etc accounts and later messages their relatives and friends asking for money .

Since messages were coming from the main accounts people used to send money to their paypal/Gpay numbers.

So me and Shivanshu decided to check these links and look for some info using OSINT techniques.

When inspecting the links we found that the attackers had made phishing pages for almost all social platforms πŸ˜†

Upon checking the parameters and directory we found directory listing was enabled and the admin of these phishing pages have uploaded phishers of all platforms in a zip and forgot to delete the zip xD

On checking the files we found that all details are being send to a single website.


On checking the website we found that’s its an entire CMS for scammers used for phishing for almost all social platforms ;-;

While we were checking the parameters we found an SQLI on an insert query. xD

So coming to SQLI we noticed that every phishing link has a parameter profileid which was unique for users registered on this website so that they can receive the details in the website portal.

So we thought why not cracking into the attacker accounts and check whats in there?

I did an XPATH injection using extractvalue but there was a waf so i used old comment way to bypass the StackPath Waf .

Checking the User Count (Scammers Count) on Website

Payload-email=ad&pwd=sdsd&ramadhan=780169154.php?profileid%3DMWNjNjhiMjM4MTg0NjVhOTk2ZGY%3D’ and Extractvalue/**/(1,make_set(511,1,(select count(user_email) from Hemza_users limit 0,1)))/**/and β€˜β€™,’’)%23

Wew 15,74,016

Nothing much just 15 lakhs(1.5 M) user details of scammers πŸ˜†

Lets find our guy

Payload-email=ad&pwd=sdsd&ramadhan=780169154.php?profileid%3DMWNjNjhiMjM4MTg0NjVhOTk2ZGY%3D’ and Extractvalue/**/(1,make_set(511,1,(select user_email from Hemza_users where user_id =’779858668' limit 0,1)))/**/and β€˜β€™,’’)%23

We found the email,username and cracked the password and was able to login into his account πŸ˜†


This guy had 75xx details of accounts through his phishing pages .

And in last 24 hours -100

Wait this was just from a single account on the website how about in the entire website database xD ?

Lets check

49,04,464(4.9 Millions and still going)

Why not check for admin details of Website?

Admin Email-admin@arspam.com

Admin Username- HemzaPM

Scamming Website www.smikta.net

This Website even has a fb page with 82K followers πŸ˜†

We even log into his account and checked, admin receives details of every user who falls into trap of any user phishing page.

Just think an entire CMS dedicated to Phishing and scamming .

Anyway we have nothing to do with victims or attackers data , just be safe with these links.

Shashwat Kumar


Kunwar Atul

